This spoke deeply to me on a few levels. I work in philanthropy, and while I work for a school which is nonpartisan, it's an urban private arts college in which the vast majority of staff and faculty lean far left, with the rhetoric and policies to match. I also spend my volunteer time getting people active in advocating for climate policy with a nonpartisan organization.

I've often watched in dismay as my favorite little nonpartisan climate organization struggles to get more funding while highly partisan environmental orgs rake in cash. Some of this is certainly due to fundraising strategy. The org I volunteer with only asks members for donations a few times a year, which I think is amazing, while other more partisan organizations whose mailing lists I'm on ask me for money at least once a month. But I also know the org I volunteer with is extremely careful about taking money from foundations and public figures, and they accept no money from corporations or the government. I would imagine these other well-funded partisan environmental groups don't place the same restrictions upon themselves.

Really appreciate your thoughts here, and I've just printed off your white paper from last year, and I'm looking forward to digging in!

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Thank you Alex, I appreciate your reading and the affirmation!

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