“In democratic countries the science of association is the mother science; the progress of all the others depends on the progress of that one.…In order that men remain civilized or become so, the art of associating must be developed and perfected among them.”

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Welcome to The Art of Association, a free and fortnightly newsletter on philanthropy, civil society, and democracy in America. Following Tocqueville, the newsletter presumes that the health of democracy depends far more than we realize on our ability to associate with each other in constructive ways. Doing this helps us solve problems we face together and, at the same time, become citizens more capable of self-government.

The goal of The Art of Association is to inform and inspire nonprofit leaders, advocates, policymakers, philanthropists, their advisors, and everyday citizens working for civic renewal. If that sounds like you, please subscribe to get future updates via email and access to the archive.

I bring several perspectives to bear in the newsletter. They are drawn from:

  • The experience and cross-partisan network I developed as the inaugural director of the Hewlett Foundation’s U.S. democracy program from 2013-2022.

  • 20+ years as an advisor to social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, government officials, and business leaders at BCG, Bridgespan, and now as a solopreneur.

  • My work and reflections as a political scientist on the topics of leadership, governance, political parties, philanthropy, and civil society in the U.S.

Practice the Art of Association

Please consider this a virtual community of people who share your interest in the art and science of association. Support our common work with a free subscription, pass on the newsletter to others in your network, and offer your perspective in the comments section. You can also reply to any newsletter to let me know directly when something I have written resonates with you and / or when it does not.

More soon!

Daniel Stid

Subscribe to The Art of Association

A free and fortnightly newsletter on philanthropy, civil society, and democracy in America.


Political scientist. Unabashed Pluralist. Advisor to civic renewers. Proud Michigander. Hope > optimism.